
Ikebana, The Journey in Quest of Harmony

Following the amazing performance of Peacock Lake on ice in 2017, I came up with another idea to create a piece of Theatre, which will take the audience on a journey of two venues: Forum Theatre (classical theatrical setting) and Forum Ice Arena (Theatre on Ice).


The group of famous Taiko drummers from Japan led by Hiro Hyashida was invited to Billingham Festival in 2018, and for me it seems to be fitting to create a theatrical production about world harmony, using the Japanese traditional art of flower arrangement – Ikebana, as the vehicle to tell the story, as Ikebana is about natural harmony.

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Created by Dramaturge Richard Hurford the story is woven around three main elements of harmony: imagination, nature and humanity, drawing upon Ikebana’s philosophy of bringing heaven, earth and humanity together to achieve the magic of harmony. 


Audience members are encouraged to reflect on, what harmony means and how can we live in harmony in our modern fractured world, making them part of the action. The key to the success of this ambitious project was a strong creative team and collaboration between director Andrew Loretto, dramaturge Richard Hurford, digital artist Shanaz Gulzar, choreographers Eliot Smith and Balbir Singh, ice choreographers Gary Beacom and Mark Hanretty, composer Moony Wainwright, vocal director Sally Egan and all professional actors, musicians, dancers & skaters

Composer Moony Wainwright, draws on traditional Japanese and Taiko music, reflecting Ikebana philosophy and the journey through diverse musical traditions from east to west, integrating international musicians and culminating in the harmony of a choir with Taiko drummers and musicians.


The Festival’s international nature provided the best platform for a multicultural collaboration. Visiting companies from Ukraine, France, Chile, Argentina and Mexico brought a unique dimension to Ikebana portraying “dreams and nightmares” of the three main characters.


Extended creative learning & participation programme provided an unparalleled opportunity for local people: choir workshops and recording sessions, Ikebana workshops by Takashi Sawano, dance workshops, Ikebana arts residency in South Community Primary School led by Primary Arts Shirley Wells, local skaters (led by Christine Eskildsen) and dancers (led by Amy Cairney & Zoe Bellamy) working with Eliot Smith and Gary Beacom and performing alongside professionals.


The performance bridges not only two local venues and their audiences, but also various art forms, sport, traditional and contemporary cultures, celebrating creative diversity of artistic talent and collaboration of all its participants from diverse backgrounds


Olga Maloney, Producer

Images by Danielle Cutler